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01/17/2024 – Aerodynamics Research Lab presented at AIAA SciTech 2024

On January 12th, in Orlando Florida, Dr. Viganò presented the “New Testing Capabilities of the Missouri University of Science and Technology Supersonic Wind Tunnel” (co-authored by Joshua Gary) at the AIAA’s SciTech 2024 conference. This conference, the largest aerospace one in the world, gave an opportunity to reveal the new testing capabilities at the Missouri S&T Aerodynamics Research Lab.
10/13/2023 – Expand Your Horizons Event at the Aerodynamics Research Lab
About 30 middle school students visited the Aerodynamics Research Lab on Friday as part of the Expand Your Horizons STEM event. This event historically has brought middle school girls (7th and 8th graders) to campus with the intent of showing them some of the vast opportunities in STEM and the important role woman play in STEM professions.
The session, titled “From Ground to Orbit: A Journey Through Space and Back” was done in collaboration withe M-SAT team. The students learned from Logan and Allie about supersonic flows, and about their research experiences.
10/03/2023 – Aerodynamics Research Lab Students win multiple awards
Congratulations to Allie Dingfield for being awarded the 2023-20204 NASA-Missouri Space Grant Consortium internship program. This award will allow Allie to continue researching optical density fluctuations measurements techniques for supersonic wind tunnels.
Congratulations to Joshua Gary for being awarded 1st place at the Future Research Pioneer Program poster presentation. Joshua’s poster, titled “Tomographic PIV System for Supersonic Wind Tunnel Application”, was the culmination of the summer research work.
07/19/2023 – The Aerospace Camp visits the Aerodynamics Research Lab

On July 19th about 70 students from the Missouri S&T Aerospace Camp (ages 10-13) visited the Aerospace Research Laboratory. They learned about speed of sound and Mach number, how a supersonic wind tunnel works, and witnessed a short shadowgraph imaging demonstration.
Allie Dingfield wins First Place at the S&T Undergraduate Research Conference

We are thrilled to announce the remarkable achievements of one of our students at the Undergraduate Research Conference held on April 13th, 2023. Allie Dingfield, a freshman in Mechanical Engineering, presented her poster titled “Direct Density Fluctuations Measurements in Supersonic Flows” in the “research proposal” category and won first place in the category, earning a $500 prize. Her research has significant implications for the aerospace industry and showcases the exceptional quality of research conducted by our students. Allie is currently doing research in the Aerodynamics Research Laboratory.
We are proud to see our students excel in research and are excited to see what the future holds for Allie. Join us in congratulating her for her remarkable achievements!
S&T researcher revives university’s supersonic wind tunnel

News release from the Missouri S&T Mechanical and Aerospace department here.