The Aerodynamics Research Laboratory focuses primarily on experimental research in high-speed aerodynamics. Our focus areas are:

Mixing in Supersonic Flows
The research focus is on fundamental science relevant to air-breathing hypersonic propulsion. The emphasis is on the basic understanding of the physics concerning the process of growth, modes of vortices amalgamations, and the dynamics of systems of coherent, streamwise, vortical structures in high-speed flows.
Compressible Turbulence
Compressible turbulence plays a major role in multiple applications in high-speed flows, including the mixing problem. In compressible flows, in addition to velocity, thermodynamic variables also fluctuate introducing complexities in its treatment. At the Aerodynamics Research Laboratory we focus on fundamental studies to develop models for compressible turbulence.

Hypersonic Aerothermodynamics
High-enthalpy ground testing facilities development, and their related diagnostics (both intrusive and non-intrusive)